Bastille New Year 2021 Bug Fix Release Notes


Bastille is an open-source system for automating deployment and management containerized applications on FreeBSD.

Bastille 0.8.20210101

Bastille 0.8.20210115 is a bug-fix release for the 0.8.x series. This primarily addresses a few minor issues with the 0.8.20210101 release.

The issues addressed here are:

  • rdr now persists by default & code cleanup (#313)
  • don’t start empty jails by default (#311)

This also includes a minor change to the bastille.conf.

-bastille_template_empty="default/empty"    ## default: "default/empty"
+bastille_template_empty=""                 ## default: ""
Christer Edwards
Code Custodian

FreeBSD die-hard, software developer, author, educator, man behind BastilleBSD.